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Author: Rodriguez, Rodolfo

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Bassett HS - The Belle of Chicago - 2012 Patriot's Day ParadeBassett HS - The Belle of Chicago - 2012 Patriot's Day Parade

College: Pasadena Area CCD
Laguna Beach HS Marching Band - 2012 Patriot's Day ParadeLaguna Beach HS Marching Band - 2012 Patriot's Day Parade

College: Pasadena Area CCD
Oaks MS - Let the Flag of Freedom Wave - 2012 Patriot's Day ParadeOaks MS - Let the Flag of Freedom Wave - 2012 Patriot's Day Parade

College: Pasadena Area CCD
Fountain Valley Marching Band - 2012 Patriot's Day ParadeFountain Valley Marching Band - 2012 Patriot's Day Parade

College: Pasadena Area CCD
San Clemente Scots Pipe Band - 2012 Patriot's Day ParadeSan Clemente Scots Pipe Band - 2012 Patriot's Day Parade

College: Pasadena Area CCD
Moore League Cross Country: Signal Hill MeetMoore League Cross Country: Signal Hill Meet

College: Long Beach City College
AGS General Meeting #3, Part 2, Fall 2012AGS General Meeting #3, Part 2, Fall 2012

College: College of Marin
AGS General Meeting #3, Part 1, Fall 2012AGS General Meeting #3, Part 1, Fall 2012

College: College of Marin
Babies Learning Sign LanguageBabies Learning Sign Language

College: San Diego Continuing Education
Pull Planning - San Diego City College Arts & Humanities and Business Technology BuildingsPull Planning - San Diego City College Arts & Humanities and Business Technology Buildings

College: San Diego City College
LBCC - "Walking the Talk" - The VideoLBCC - "Walking the Talk" - The Video

College: Long Beach City College
College of the Canyons Football vs Antelope Valley October 6, 2012College of the Canyons Football vs Antelope Valley October 6, 2012

College: College of the Canyons
Skyline College - Erica LeungSkyline College - Erica Leung

College: College of San Mateo
Peralta Matters 20 : FinancePeralta Matters 20 : Finance

College: Peralta CCD
CC 2012 Tenured Faculty CeremonyCC 2012 Tenured Faculty Ceremony

College: Cypress College
Vaqueros Women's Soccer settle for 1-1 tie with OxnardVaqueros Women's Soccer settle for 1-1 tie with Oxnard

College: Santa Barbara City College
RCC football defeats Fullerton College, 45-28RCC football defeats Fullerton College, 45-28

College: Riverside Community College
Skyline College - Denice Grace T. SySkyline College - Denice Grace T. Sy

College: College of San Mateo
College of San Mateo - Zhiguan ZhangCollege of San Mateo - Zhiguan Zhang

College: College of San Mateo
College of San Mateo - Yuen Hao TienCollege of San Mateo - Yuen Hao Tien

College: College of San Mateo
